Awakenings Institute Home Study Site

SK Video Page 1 — Supplement to Coaching Course

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On this page, you will find nine updated Spiritual Kinesiology Videos, each including targeted commentaries for your further education and mastery.


On this page you will find the following videos:

  1. Soul Centering
  2. Reframing and Anchoring
  3. Muscle Testing
  4. Current Lesson Checklist
  5. Polarities
  6. Integration Meeting
  7. Integration Process

SK Video Page 2


SK Checklists and Instructions (includes How to Do SK; Current Lesson Checklist; Polarity Splits; Illumination Process; Group Archetypes Checklist; Societal Archetype Checklist8 Transcendence Checklist)

Disclosure Form (can adapt and give to clients before initial session)

1. Soul Centering (21 minutes)

Description of Soul Centering here and in the Getting Thru to Your Soul book pg. 76-82

2. Reframing and Anchoring (31 minutes)

3. Muscle Testing (23 min)

Note: This video was imported from our Holistic EFT Certification Course, hence the EFT Image on the video’s title. The muscle testing information equally applies to this course.

4. Current Lesson (28 minutes)

5. Polarities (39 minutes)

6. The Integration Meeting (29 minutes)

Description of Integration Meeting in the Getting Thru to Your Soul book pg. 196-206

7. The Integration Process (29 minutes)

Description of Integration Meeting in the Getting Thru to Your Soul book pg. 168-174

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