Awakenings Institute Home Study Site

EFT Certification Overview

Awakenings’ Holistic EFT Certification Program includes three courses. If you are registered in any or all of these courses, you can use your password to access your Main Resource by following one of these links.

This Resource Site is exclusively for people who are currently registered for Awakenings’ Home Study Courses. 

If you are not a registered student, follow the next link to learn more about EFT Certification at

The Power of Holistic EFT

Awakenings’ EFT Program focuses on a uniquely holistic approach to the Emotional Freedom Techniques, a meridian-based healing system.  EFT is remarkably fast and effective for addressing a wide range of issues simply by tapping on a series of points on the body. This holistic program takes EFT further with GTT, the Getting Thru Techniques, processes Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose have developed to access the deeper levels of awareness that sometimes need to be revealed for EFT be most effective. The materials and techniques present state-of-the-art approaches that can facilitate personal awareness and development, both for yourself and others.

“The coursework in this certification training is exceptionally well presented and thorough. I will be offering EFT and GTT to my clients on a regular basis and feel it will help them move far more quickly toward their goals. I’m thankful to use these techniques in my life personally on many levels.”

–William Barnett, Holistic Coach and Mind/Body Practitioner
Phoenix, Arizona

Three independent study courses comprise the Holistic EFT Certification Program. While students commonly begin with a single course, completion of all three levels of training are recommended for those who plan to practice EFT professionally. Here’s what you’ll find as you continue with your training:

The Holistic EFT Level 1 Course covers the basics of EFT and much, much more. You also learn some valuable GTT(Getting Thru Techniques) processes to add more power to EFT and ways to use EFT to make positive changes in specific areas including stress, incomnia, pain, physical well-being, smoking, weight, and performance.

The Holistic EFT Level 2 Course hones in on key areas that people need to be healthy, “fit for success.” These include weight issues, smoking cessation, bad habits, stress, death and dying issues, developing a program and more…

The Holistic EFT Level 3 Course focuses on becoming a conscious creator. We use Wallace Wattles’ classic book The Science of Getting Rich with EFT and innovative GTT (Getting Thru Techniques) processes you won’t find in any of our other trainings. This Level 3 Course is not just about money. It’s really about shifting into a higher realm of possibility and becoming a powerful creator of whatever you want in life.

If you aren’t yet enrolled and want to know if this program is right for you, feel free to call 805-931-0129 between 9 am and 5 pm Pacific time, Monday through Saturday or click.

Contact Us for more information.

Home Study Courses