Awakenings Institute Home Study Site

EFT Original Videos DVD2: The Getting Thru Techniques (GTT)

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EFT DVD2On this page,  you can enjoy these GTT videos (12-21 minutes each):

  1. Holistic Process
  2. Unification Process
  3. Break Thru Process
  4. Reframing Process

The art of being effective with the Getting Thru Techniques (GTT) involves two essentials: knowing the steps and learning the subtleties, which vary with each process.

Practice is the  key to mastering these processes — and if you’re like most students, you’ll be impressed with the results.

1. The Holistic Process

2. The Unification Process

3. The Break Thru Process

4. The Reframing Process

Home Page | Signature GTT | Video 1 Page


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