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On this page, you will find nine updated Holistic EFT Videos, each including targeted commentaries for your further education and mastery of Holistic EFT.
On this page you will find videos of …
1. Basic Holistic EFT
2. Miracle Reframe with EFT
3. Reality Shift with EFT
4. Holistic Process with EFT
5. Reframing with EFT
6. Unification Process with EFT
7. Breakthru Process with EFT
8. Muscle Testing (Kinesiology)
9. Levels of PR (Psychological Reversal)
Bonus Video: How to manage your time during a session
Basic Holistic EFT (22 minutes)
The Miracle Reframe (13 minutes)
The Reality Shift (40 min)
[thrive_toggles_group”][thrive_toggles title=”Steps in Reality Shift ” no=”1/2″] [/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”Click to drop down” no=”2/2″] Steps in the Reality Shift Process:
1. THE SETUP: Focus on bringing a metaphor or image into your awareness in the present moment in the usual way. Base it on whatever issue you are addressing. If you can’t find an metaphor/image, think of your issue as a “landscape.” Use your feelings to help you find the “reality” you want to shift.
2. THE EVALUATION: When you have brought the image up to its full intensity (or whatever intensity feels comfortable), measure its strength between one and ten.
3. THE AFFIRMATION: While rubbing the “Sore Spot” on the chest or tapping the karate spot on the heel of the hand, repeat the following affirmation three times: “Even though I have this ____________, I know my reality can shift shift.”
Fill in the blank with the landscape or metaphor (such as ’empty desert’ or ‘deserted street’ ). You can also tap on the emotion associated with the metaphor/image/landscape.
4. THE TAPPING SEQUENCE: Follow the normal tapping sequence, while repeating the following reminder phrase once at each point: Tap by saying “this reality” or this______[name image/metaphor/landscape].
5. THE RE-EVALUATION: When you have completed the tapping sequence, take a nice deep breath, focus on the image/landscape or issue again and notice how you feel now. Evaluate it again between one and ten, noting any difference in your experience.
If some intensity remains, evaluate the emotion again to notice if it has changed (such as from fear to anger, and so on) and repeat the process. If you are using a landscape, notice how it changes as demonstrated in the video.
6. THE ‘SHIFT’: When the intensity of the issue is down close to zero, connect with your heartfelt joy and ask what the next step is in relation to your reality shift goal and for any other thoughts that emerge with the clearing, recognizing that when the issue is released, the soul’s wisdom emerges.
This may be all you need to shift your reality, or at least head in the right direction. If not, in this resourceful state, do some more rounds of the process and see how your reality shifts. Consider any follow-up strategies and actions to take.
Additional Thoughts:
Your mind creates images, metaphors and landscapes that shape your reality. That creates a hologram — a 3 dimensional living pattern — that holds feelings, thoughts and parts of your identity. The Reality Shift with EFT can transform the hologram, so you are more aligned with your soul, life purpose and heartfelt desires. /[/thrive_toggles][/thrive_toggles_group]
Holistic Process (41 minutes)
Steps described in Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT book pg 120-121
Reframing with EFT (25 minutes)
Steps described in Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT book pg 172-174
The Unification Process with EFT (26 minutes)
Steps described in Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT book pg 144-150
Breakthru Process with EFT – (21 min)
Steps described in Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT book pg 153-157
Muscle Testing (23 min)
Described in Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT book pg 88-93
Psychological Reversal (PR) (30 minutes)
Steps described in Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT book pg 83
Bonus Video: How to manage your time during a session (10 minutes)