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EFT Intuitive Healer Basic Course Resource Page


Welcome to the EFT Intuitive Healer Basic Course Resource Page!

(For Members Only)

To get the most out of this course, watch this 7-minute video below on “Best Learning Practices.”

1. Be a conscious, active learner.

2. Have an open mind and open heart. Avoid confirmation bias, trying to prove what you already know.

3. Digital vs hard-copy learning. Digital expands visuals can broaden learning, but can lack depth, too much skimming and superficial learning. Reading hard-copy gives you better sense of time and space instead of amorphous, free floating digital landscape. Tangible book reading better for sequencing, understanding details—improves memory, attention span, critical reasoning and reflection.

4. Beware of novelty bias, chasing bight shiny object. Going from one interest to another lends toward multi-tasking, distraction and inattention. Find something that’s worth learning and go deep, your critical analysis and imagination will thrive.

5. For digital written material, print it out and it’s part of a larger study for you, put it in a nice binder Highlight and make notes on the material.

6. For audio and video, pause the player and take notes and reflect.

7. Summarize the material, in your thoughts, in writing, or say it aloud. Also share with another person what you’ve learned.

8. Make connections. Study material is usually a coherent connection of thoughts and ideas. Memorize key ideas and phrases, but go beyond that. Look how the material interconnects and take note of what ideas and insights it sparks for you.

9. Apply what you learned in your life. Don’t just go on to the next thing. Find ways to immediately use what you learned, If you are studying life purpose, for example, see how the ideas can illuminate your own purpose. If you gather a health tip, try it out and note the results.

10. Take periodic breaks. To integrate material, you need to deliberately step away from it and return. Like sleeping on an issue, you come back refreshed. When learning, get up and stretch, do breathing exercises, play with a pet or go for a walk. [/thrive_toggles][/thrive_toggles_group]

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To You and the Person You are Becoming,

Phillip and Jane Mountrose
Awakenings Institute

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